
This website is a teaching and publishing ministry of the Disciples Global Network. The focus is on Jesus, especially his death and resurrection. Who was he? What was his role? What did he accomplish? Moreover, what does it mean to be the Messiah of Israel?

The interpretive approach employed is twofold. First, focus on reading any passage in its original literary and historical contexts.  To whom did the author write and why? What were the historical circumstances that prompted it? Who were its recipients? Second, to give full consideration to all citations and verbal allusions from the Hebrew Bible or the Greek Septuagint version of the Old Testament, and especially to how the New Testament author applies it.

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[My Profile Picture]

My name is David Maas. I have been a student of the Bible since shortly after my conversion in 1971. Currently, I reside in the town of Gardnerville in the State of Nevada.

Above all else, the figure and challenge of Jesus and his self-sacrificial act continue to consume me. "Christ crucified" is, indeed, the "wisdom and power of God," and the only means for truly understanding the identity and nature of God. In Jesus of Nazareth, all God's mysteries are revealed. My prayer is that this site will help others to better comprehend this same Jesus.

All my posts are free and not copyrighted. Anyone may copy and distribute them at will. Please support this effort with your prayers, that through it God would open doors for the spread of the gospel. If you are interested in supporting me at - bear7755@gmail.com, or, david.maas@yandex.com.

~ David R. Maas, May 2023.


The Messianic Lamb

La Promesa del Padre