
Showing posts with the label Abraham

Salvation of Yahweh

Jesus means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the man from Nazareth, the Salvation promised by the God of Israel has arrived for the Nations in all its glory . The angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit ,” and he instructed Joseph to name the child ‘Jesus’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for humanity that He was about to reveal. The world would behold the long-promised “ Salvation of Yahweh ” in Jesus of Nazareth, and especially in his Death and Resurrection.

La Promesa del Padre

Con el derramamiento del Espíritu en Pentecostés, comenzaron las bendiciones para todas las naciones prometidas a Abraham . El Apóstol Pablo llama al Don del Espíritu la “ Promesa del Padre ”, y lo relaciona con el pacto abrahámico. Las promesas al Patriarca y a “ su Simiente ” encuentran su cumplimiento en la Nueva Alianza inaugurada por la Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús. Con la victoria de Cristo sobre el Pecado y la Muerte, amaneció la Era del Espíritu.

The Father's Promise

With the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced . The Apostle Paul calls the Gift of the Spirit the “ Promise of the Father ,” and he links it to the Abrahamic covenant. The promises to the Patriarch and “ his Seed ” find their fulfillment in the New Covenant inaugurated by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. With Christ’s victory over Sin and Death, the Age of the Spirit dawned.

Bendiciones para las Naciones

El Don del Espíritu es una de las promesas del Pacto de Dios y una de las formas de bendecir a las naciones a través de la Simiente de Abraham . Pedro y Juan oraron por un hombre que estaba “ cojo desde el vientre de su madre ” mientras pedía limosna cerca del Templo de Jerusalén. En lugar de dinero, le ordenaron que se parara y caminara “ en el nombre de Jesucristo de Nazaret .” Inmediatamente, comenzó a caminar, y después, fue visto y escuchado “ saltando y alabando a Dios .”

Blessings for the Nations

The Gift of the Spirit is part of God’s Covenant promises to bless the nations of the Earth through Abraham and his Seed . Peter and John prayed for a man who was “ lame from his mother’s womb ” as he was begging for alms near the Jerusalem Temple. Rather than money, they commanded him to stand and walk “ in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth .” Immediately, he began to walk, and afterward, he was seen and heard “ leaping and praising God .”

UNO Hombre Nuevo

Por su Muerte y Resurrección, Jesús formó una comunidad del nuevo pacto - Uno Nuevo Hombre-basada en la fe en él - Efesios 2: 11-22. Pablo es inequívoco. Considerando lo que Jesús logró en su Muerte y Resurrección, ya no puede haber divisiones entre judíos y gentiles en el Único Pueblo de Dios. Por su muerte sacrificial, él “ desmanteló el muro intermedio de partición ” que separaba a judíos y gentiles para que “ pudiera reconciliarlos a ambos en un solo cuerpo para Dios a través de la Cruz .” Dios está edificando discípulos judíos y gentiles en una habitación de Dios “ en el Espíritu ”, habiendo anulado la “ ley de los mandamientos en ordenanzas ” que previamente los dividía.

Hijo de Abraham

La introducción al Evangelio de Mateo declara que Jesús es el “ Hijo de Abraham ”, el descendiente destinado a cumplir las promesas del pacto hechas por Dios al Patriarca. Su identificación como el hijo de Abraham en Mateo enfatiza el tema del cumplimiento. A través de Jesús, las promesas se hacen realidad.

The Covenant

The national sins of Israel culminated in her expulsion from the Land of Canaan. However, all was not lost. God foresaw her failure and determined to restore the nation by instituting His New Covenant that would include the nations of the Earth, the “ Gentiles .” Moreover, the New Creation would become the ultimate Promised Land and the true inheritance of His people.

Covenant and Redemption

The covenant of Abraham is foundational to the biblical concept of redemption, including the promise that “ all the nations of the Earth would be blessed in Abraham .” The Patriarch would have innumerable descendants, but how and when would the covenant bless the nations? Who are his descendants, and who is the “Seed of Abraham” destined to inherit the promises?

First Fruits of the Spirit

The Apostle Paul presents Abraham as the great exemplar of faith. God counted his faith as “righteousness” when he was yet uncircumcised, and that meant He justified him apart from the “ works of the Law .” He thereby became the father of all men who are also “ from faith .” Circumcision was added after the promise as the “seal” of Abraham’s justifying faith.

One New Man

By his Death and Resurrection, Jesus formed one new covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him – Ephesians 2:11-22. Paul is unequivocal. Considering what Jesus accomplished in his Death and Resurrection, no longer can there be divisions between Jews and Gentiles in the One People of God. By his sacrificial death, he “ dismantled the middle wall of partition ” that separated Jews and Gentiles so “ he might reconcile them both in one body for God through the Cross .” God is building Jewish and Gentile disciples into one habitation of God “ in the Spirit ,” having voided the “ law of the commands in ordinances ” that previously divided them.

Heir of Abraham

As the Gospel of Matthew declares, Jesus is the “ son of Abraham .” The lowly man from Nazareth is the Messiah and King of Israel, the promised “ Seed ” of the Patriarch. He brings the covenant promises to fulfillment. He is the covenant heir, and our receipt of the inheritance is based on our faith in him.

Son of Abraham

The introduction to the Gospel of Matthew declares that Jesus is the “ Son of Abraham ,” the descendant destined to fulfill the covenant promises made by God to the Patriarch, Abraham. His identification as the son of Abraham in Matthew stresses the theme of fulfillment. Through Jesus, the promises become reality.