
Showing posts with the label Cross

Let this mind be in you

The submission of Jesus to an unjust death is the pattern of the love and service to others that his disciples are called to imitate . The obedience of Jesus to his Father becomes the model for how we emulate him. His willing submission to death on the Roman Cross is the pattern for the conduct and attitude of his disciples. His elevation to the Messianic Throne resulted from his submission to “ death upon a cross .” Conforming our lives to this example is how we learn to “ follow him wherever he goes .”

Suffering and Death

To be the Messiah of Israel meant suffering and death for others, and Jesus summoned his disciples to follow that same path – Mark 8:31. Jesus explained what it meant to be Israel’s Messiah and the Son of God as his entourage approached Jerusalem, suffering and death . This was contrary to popular expectations, including those of his closest disciples. He also summoned anyone who wished to follow him to take up his cross and emulate his example. Failure to do so would result in shame before the Lord of Glory.

The Slain Lamb

The Death and Exaltation of Jesus are inextricably linked in the Book of Revelation . The Book’s visions unveil the plan to redeem humanity. His sacrificial death, resurrection, and enthronement put it into action. However, he is no tyrant . He does not subjugate his enemies through force or violence. Instead, he “ shepherds the nations ” and purchases men from every “ tribe and people and tongue ” through his shed blood.

Recognized on the Cross

Jesus is revealed as the Savior of Mankind in his sufferings and self-sacrificial death for others, including his enemies . The inability of men to recognize Jesus as the Son of God until after his crucifixion is a central theme of the  Gospel of Mark . Ironically, the first man to do so is the Roman centurion on duty at his execution. His self-identification as the suffering “ Son of Man ” made him unrecognizable to unregenerate men.  He was the Savior no one expected or wanted .


The inability of men to recognize Jesus as the Son of God until after his crucifixion is a key theme of Mark , and the first man who identified him as such was the Roman centurion on duty during his execution. The self-identification of Jesus as the “ Son of Man ” who suffers for his people made him repugnant to unregenerate men and unrecognizable to Israel (“ His own received him not ”).

Calvary or Rome?

Institutional Christianity has a long and sordid history of mixing Church and State. The temptation to use political power to impose “right” beliefs and other agendas is too great. Advancing “Christianity” through the  political mechanisms  of this world  always  necessitates the use of the coercive power of the State, and this corrosive mixture inevitably corrupts the Church and destroys its witness.

Starting from the Cross

The theme of fulfillment is dominant in the New Testament. In Jesus Christ, the promises of God have found their fulfillment. He is the Son of God sent to redeem Israel and rule the nations but in a most paradoxical way. Peter confirmed that he was the “ Messiah ” but failed to understand that he would undertake that role as the “ Servant of Yahweh ” who came to “ bear the sins of many .” His true identity was revealed through his self-sacrificial act at Calvary.

The Imperative of the Cross

Christ Crucified is the example we are summoned to follow daily, and it is the test of the genuine Apostolic Faith and true spirituality . The death of Jesus provides the indispensable pattern for how we must live in this fallen world, and the measuring rod for judging spirituality. Whether examining a man’s wisdom, teachings, conduct, or supernatural deeds, the Cross of Christ is the bright line between truth and falsehood. No man can know God apart from “ Christ crucified .” God has revealed Himself in His Son, the Crucified Messiah.

Becoming His Disciple

In Galilee, the disciples witnessed Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, forgive sins, and even calm a violent storm, all supernatural acts performed with great authority. However, all too often, his words and deeds produced confusion followed by the question – “ Who is this man? ” Only at his execution on Golgotha did a human being begin to understand who he was.

The Cruciform Path

When Jesus dispatched his disciples to announce the “ Good News ” to the “ lost sheep of Israel ,” he warned that they would find themselves as “ sheep among wolves .” Hostile men would haul them before “ councils and whip them in their synagogues .” His followers would be hated “ by all men for my sake .” That was the harsh reality they discovered, one faced later by many in the early Church. The very men who should have welcomed Israel’s Messiah instead fought what he represented tooth and nail.

Redeeming Nations

Paul described the proclamation of “ Christ crucified ” as the “ wisdom and power of God .” The proposition that God overthrew Sin, Satan, and Death through the execution of a lowly Nazarene was contrary to the “ wisdom of this world .” Even the spiritual “ powers and principalities ” did not understand and sealed their doom by crucifying the “ Lord of Glory .”

Death of the Son of Man

Jesus explained that he was going to Jerusalem where the Son of Man would be arrested, tried, and executed  – Mark 10:32-34. Jesus is “ on the way ” to Jerusalem and the Cross in the  Gospel of Mark . This theme occurs several times, beginning with John the Baptist who was sent to “ prepare  the way  before the Lord .” The Nazarene would complete his messianic mission as the ‘ Suffering Servant ’ portrayed in the  Book of Isaiah  when he was tried by the priestly leaders of the Temple and executed outside the walls of the City of David at the hands of Rome, the  World Empire .

My Way or His Cross

Rage is  NOT  an appropriate reaction to hostility for disciples of Jesus. His instructions about this certainly were contrary to the “ wisdom of this age ” and human experience. Nevertheless, responding in anger to violations of our political, civil, and individual “rights” only demonstrates how far many of us have strayed from his teachings and example.

Beginning and Firstborn

In  Colossians , Paul stresses the exaltation of Jesus following his Resurrection. Some members of the congregation were confused about his authority over the spiritual powers that were hostile to God and His people; therefore, Paul reminded the Assembly of just how highly God exalted the One who became the “ Firstborn of the Dead .”

Faithful Witnesses

Two terms appear multiple times in the  Book of Revelation , namely, “ witness ” and “ overcome ,” themes that are closely related. Beginning with Jesus and the witness he gave in his death on the Roman cross, the Book calls his disciples to persevere in his “ testimony ” regardless of any consequences they may suffer. It is in this way that they “ overcome ” and reign with the “ Son of Man ,” as well as qualify for everlasting life in “ New Jerusalem .” Jesus himself summoned his saints to “overcome, just as I also overcame.”

His Kingdom

Jesus arrived in Galilee proclaiming the “ Kingdom of God ” – “ Repent, for the kingdom is at hand .” In his ministry, the reign of God was invading the Earth. However, the nature of his realm was radically different than the governments and ideologies of the existing world order, and more than once, Jesus refused political power, especially when offered by Satan.

He Humbled Himself

Paul summoned believers to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for others  – Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus fulfilled the role of the ‘ Suffering Servant ’ described in the  Book of Isaiah . Unlike Adam, he did not attempt to grasp the “ likeness of God .” Instead, he humbled himself and submitted to a shameful death on the Roman cross. Therefore, God exalted him and made him “ Lord ” over all things. His exaltation did not precede his death; his enthronement followed it, and he died utterly alone.

The Exalted Lamb

The death and exaltation of Jesus are inextricably linked in the Book of Revelation . The Divine plan to redeem humanity and the Creation itself is unveiled in its visions, and the death, resurrection, and enthronement of the Son put this plan into action. His sovereignty is the result of his faithful obedience unto death. However, he is no tyrant. He does not subjugate his enemies through violence. Instead, he “ shepherds the nations ” and purchases men from every “ tribe and people and tongue ” through his shed blood.


The spiritually minded man understands that the proclamation of Christ Crucified is God’s power and wisdom .  Overused by both the Church and the surrounding society, the English term ‘spiritual’ has become meaningless. To some people, it is synonymous with the word  religion . To be  religious  is to be  spiritual . To others, it refers to things that are not of this physical universe, things and beings that are supernatural, otherworldly, noncorporeal, invisible, and timeless.

Sovereign over All

Jesus has reigned as Sovereign over the Earth since his Death and Resurrection, already he is seated on the Messianic Throne. Because of his obedience, he is the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth .” Before his Ascension, he declared that God had bestowed all authority on him - “ In Heaven and on Earth .” Thus, his authority is without limits and a present reality.