
Showing posts with the label Kingdom

The Crucified One Reigns

The New Testament links the enthronement of Jesus to his death, resurrection, and ascension by applying key messianic texts from the Hebrew Scriptures to him. He qualified to rule over all things because of his faithful “ obedience unto death .” God Himself confirmed his Messianic status and vindicated his obedience by raising him from the dead and enthroning him. Not only did He resurrect the Nazarene, but He also seated him “ at His right hand ” where he now reigns supreme over the Cosmos.

His Priestly Kingdom

At Mount Sinai, Yahweh summoned Israel to be His “ kingdom of priests and holy nation .” If the nation kept His covenant, Israel would become “ my own possession… for all the Earth is mine .” He never intended for His people to be isolated from the rest of humanity. Instead, Israel was to reflect His light in a dark world. However, Israel failed to keep the covenant and never lived up to her calling. Now, with the arrival of the Messiah, the Church has inherited this mission.

Seizing the Kingdom

Jesus declared that “ violent men are seizing the Kingdom of God .” Was he referring to malevolent men from the outside who attempt to take control of the Kingdom through force? Are his disciples called to “forcefully seize” the promises of and from God, or was he saying that the Kingdom must advance through forceful action? Jesus was discussing the ministry of John the Baptist, and how John was received by the Jewish people.

His Kingdom

Jesus arrived in Galilee proclaiming the “ Kingdom of God ” – “ Repent, for the kingdom is at hand .” In his ministry, the reign of God was invading the Earth. However, the nature of his realm was radically different than the governments and ideologies of the existing world order, and more than once, Jesus refused political power, especially when offered by Satan.

Kingdom in Adversity

Jesus started proclaiming the Kingdom of God after the arrest of John the Baptist, an incident that foreshadowed the opposition that would characterize his own ministry. Palestine consisted of three territories - Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, and the latter included a mixed population of Jews and Gentiles. His ministry commenced in the villages of Galilee. Unlike the prophets of Ancient Israel, his mission did NOT begin or center in Jerusalem, though it certainly ended there - (Matthew 4:13).

Herald of the Kingdom

After his baptism, the Spirit “ drove Jesus into the wilderness… for forty days and nights .” Like Moses on Mount Sinai, the Messiah of Israel found himself alone in the Judean wilderness where he was confronted by the Devil. His only guide was the Word of God. Like Israel, he was “ tested .” Unlike that nation, he overcame every challenge and emerged victorious from the experience “ FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ,” and he then began to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom in the villages of Galilee.

Voice in the Wilderness

All four gospel accounts apply the passage in the  Book of Isaiah  to John the Baptist, the messenger who called men to repent “ for the remission of sins ” in preparation for the arrival of the Messiah. The passage identifies John as the forerunner who was expected before the “ Day of Yahweh ” to summon the faithful - “ The voice of one crying, in the wilderness, prepare the way of the LORD ” - (Isaiah 40:3-5).