
Showing posts with the label Lamb

The Messianic Lamb

The Slain Lamb is the Messiah in Revelation who overcomes and reigns over the Nations and the Kings of the Earth . In popular preaching, Jesus has become the “ Roaring Lion of Judah ” who will soon unleash his predatory cry as he slays his enemies. Unlike the man from Nazareth, this warrior-king will destroy everyone who resists him as he imposes his kingdom on the willing and the unwilling. No longer is he the savior who submitted to an unjust death to save the world. Does not the  Book of Revelation  tell us that he is the Messianic Lion?

The Slain Lamb

The Death and Exaltation of Jesus are inextricably linked in the Book of Revelation . The Book’s visions unveil the plan to redeem humanity. His sacrificial death, resurrection, and enthronement put it into action. However, he is no tyrant . He does not subjugate his enemies through force or violence. Instead, he “ shepherds the nations ” and purchases men from every “ tribe and people and tongue ” through his shed blood.

The Royal Shepherd

The Book of Revelation assures the beleaguered congregations of Asia that Jesus reigns and has events firmly in hand despite appearances and the hostility from their neighbors and even local governments. His sovereignty is based on his past death and resurrection, and the latter marked the commencement of his reign from the messianic Throne at the center of the Cosmos.

Preaching Another Jesus

When certain “ super-apostles ” began undermining his authority, the Apostle Paul warned the Assembly in Corinth not to heed anyone who “ proclaimed another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or a different spirit, or a different Gospel .” He pointed to the same Jesus that he first proclaimed, the “ Crucified Messiah ,” the Jesus who is the measuring rod against which all other messianic claimants must be evaluated.

The Exalted Lamb

The death and exaltation of Jesus are inextricably linked in the Book of Revelation . The Divine plan to redeem humanity and the Creation itself is unveiled in its visions, and the death, resurrection, and enthronement of the Son put this plan into action. His sovereignty is the result of his faithful obedience unto death. However, he is no tyrant. He does not subjugate his enemies through violence. Instead, he “ shepherds the nations ” and purchases men from every “ tribe and people and tongue ” through his shed blood.

Worthy is the Lamb

John saw Jesus as the sacrificial “ Lamb ” in the central vision of  Revelation , the one whose shed blood purchased men from every nation. Because he gave his life to redeem humanity, all Creation proclaimed him “ worthy ” to open the “ Sealed Scroll ” and receive absolute sovereignty. His reign began when the “ Lamb ” took possession of the Scroll and began to open its “ Seven Seals .”