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Salvation of Yahweh

Jesus means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the man from Nazareth, the Salvation promised by the God of Israel has arrived for the Nations in all its glory . The angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit ,” and he instructed Joseph to name the child ‘Jesus’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for humanity that He was about to reveal. The world would behold the long-promised “ Salvation of Yahweh ” in Jesus of Nazareth, and especially in his Death and Resurrection.

One Message for All

Jesus commanded his disciples to proclaim the Good News of salvation and his kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth . The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about reforming society or fixing governments. His message summons all men to repent and join an entirely new social order and political reality, the Kingdom of God . His “ Good News ” is contrary to the political philosophies of this present “ evil age .” Responding positively to his invitation is vital considering the approaching disappearance of the existing order from the Earth.

Sound Teaching

In 2 Timothy , Paul discusses the future resurrection of believers as he responds to denials of this “ sound teaching ” by deceivers who were disrupting the Assembly, denials he treats as little more than idle chatter . In doing so, he demonstrates that his later theology remains well within the Apostolic Tradition and the teachings of his earliest letters. From the beginning, belief in the coming resurrection was central to the doctrine of salvatio n taught by Jesus, his Apostles, and the early Church. This teaching was and remains  “ sound ”  because it is based on the past resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

Resurrection Life

Paul explains the Gospel in detail in his Letter to the Romans . He wrote to the Assembly in the city of Rome to deal with conflicts between Gentile and Jewish members, and to prepare the ground for taking the Gospel to the western provinces of the Empire. In doing so, he touched on key topics, including death, redemption, the Law, resurrection, and New Creation. Believers are justified through the Nazarene’s death, and they are saved and receive immortality through his resurrection.

Resurrection Power

In the opening thanksgiving of Philippians , Paul prepares his readers for his discussion on going on to perfection in Jesus in Chapter 3, meaning the future resurrection of believers. That must occur to complete their faith and consummate their salvation. Bodily resurrection is foundational to the Apostolic hope of salvation, which believers receive when Jesus appears in glory.

Salvation, Gentiles and Jews

Paul wrote his Letter to the Romans with at least two purposes in mind. First, to prepare the ground for his visit to the city and his planned missionary trip to Spain. Second, to deal with conflicts between Jewish and Gentile believers in the assemblies of Rome. In the Letter’s first half, he explains his Gospel. In the second, he addresses the status of the Jewish people and the specific conflicts in the congregation.

The Redemption

Central to the biblical doctrine of salvation is the promise of redemption. God will not abandon what He first created. The term signifies the recovery of that which was lost. The universe has been enslaved by sin and condemned to decay and death. All living creatures die eventually. However, in the redemptive plans of the Creator, the end state of the things and creatures redeemed by Him will be vastly superior to their original state. This idea is epitomized especially in the bodily resurrection of the righteous.

Victory over the Devil

Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness, and the effects of his victory were demonstrated as he exercised authority over demonic forces upon his arrival in Galilee where he began to proclaim the Good News – “ Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near! ” For, in Jesus of Nazareth, “ The people that sat in darkness Saw a great light. And to them that sat in the region and shadow of death, to them did light spring up .” With the appearance of the “ Son of Man ,” the era of salvation had commenced.

His Name is Jesus!

The angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit ,” and he was instructed to name the child ‘ Jesus ’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for His people which He was about to reveal. The Salvation and Savior promised to Israel and the nations had arrived. “ Good News ” indeed!