
Showing posts with the label Teachings

Emulating the Father

Jesus summons us to become “ perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect ,” yet how can we emulate the perfect righteousness of God? His explanation is clear – By performing acts of mercy for others,  especially our enemies . Self-sacrificial love is the heart of the Gospel and the essential nature of the merciful God. Was Jesus not the Messiah who submitted to an unjust death on our behalf when we were yet the “ enemies of God ”?

Seizing the Kingdom

Jesus declared that “ violent men are seizing the Kingdom of God .” Was he referring to malevolent men from the outside who attempt to take control of the Kingdom through force? Are his disciples called to “forcefully seize” the promises of and from God, or was he saying that the Kingdom must advance through forceful action? Jesus was discussing the ministry of John the Baptist, and how John was received by the Jewish people.

Suffering and Discipleship

Retaliation and violence are not appropriate reactions to hostility and persecution for the disciples of Jesus. Instead, they must meet threats and assaults with humility, mercy, and forgiveness. This is what it means to “ deny yourself ,” “ take up his cross ,” and follow him “ wherever he leads .” Doing good to one’s “ enemy ” is contrary to the “ wisdom of this age ,” yet doing so is how we become “ perfect as the Heavenly Father .”